How stylist content creators impact fashion confidence and self-image

How stylist content creators impact fashion confidence and self-image

Fashion influencers have gained immense popularity among people.

Rashmi Chopra

Mumbai: With the world being constantly exposed to social media and so much content, people have become ever more conscious about the way they look and dress. Fashion influencers and content creators have gained immense popularity among people and are often looked as the trend setters too!

Here are some ways in which stylist content creators can influence self-image and confidence of a person:

Inspiring self-expression and identifying personal style :

Content creators often showcase a variety of styles and fashion trends, it helps the consumers identify their personal style according to their body and encourage them to express themselves just as freely! Helping  them to accept the way they are rather than trying to aspire to look like someone.

Body positivity

For years, we have seen a set body and beauty standards coming from the entertainment and beauty industry, social media and influencers have significantly been able to change the way the world sees what beauty is.

We see a lot of plus size fashion models and influencers these days helping other people find their personal style and making everyone feel included, which contributes to a more positive self-image by challenging societal beauty standards and promoting acceptance of different body types.

Gender neutrality:

Gender neutrality in clothing and style is something which has started becoming a big movement in fashion and on social media. We see a lot of male and female creators challenging traditional gender norms by showcasing gender-neutral clothing styles. Example- men wearing makeup, men using elements from women’s wardrobe to create styles. This inclusivity particularly empowers those who do not conform to conventional gender expectations which includes the LGBT community.

Celebrating diverse styles and culture from around the world

Stylist influencers often share their unique knowledge, amalgamating their culture into tips, tricks, and styles, which helps people become more aware of the world and how they can implement the knowledge in their own style statement. The plethora of knowledge which few years ago one would never be able to have.

Boosting confidence with practical tips and trends

Many content creators share practical tips, trends, and tutorials on how to enhance one's appearance, choose appropriate clothing, makeup, the latest trends and how to wear them. These tips can be empowering, providing individuals with the solutions they need to feel more confident in their daily lives.

Now, that we have seen the positive impact of stylist content creators on one’s mind, let us also talk about the downside.

Comparison and insecurity with one’s body:

Sometimes social media can get overwhelming, many times when we see someone having a certain body and face type while presenting the curated content, it could put pressure to match to that standard, creating insecurities in a person’s mind regarding their body, face , status etc.

It is to be noted that as influencers and consumers authenticity should have a standard but there are many cases where one might not be seeing a real picture of things.

Too much information for mental health.

With so much content and knowledge, being bombarded to our minds constantly, it could sometimes become overwhelming for our mental health and mind to stay calm, we were never supposed to be running all the time, our brain needs to rest and relax to function properly.

The hustle culture:

Many times, looking at the stylist influencers or content creators, one is always looking to improve, buy better, look better. In the strife for more and better, often it puts one in the hustle mode for too long with missing the important aspect of enjoying the present and being happy: the sole reason to be inspired by curated styling content.

Ultimately, the impact of stylist influencers on one’s self-image and confidence is subjective and varies from person to person, but It is crucial for both influencers and their followers to promote authenticity, diversity, and body positivity in the fashion and beauty industry.

By fostering a culture of inclusivity and encouraging individuals to celebrate their unique identities, stylist influencers do have a potential to contribute positively to the development of a more diverse and accepting self-image landscape. Many influencers have been able to bring a positive change in this area already, but it is also the duty of a consumer to choose responsibly.

Ecloset founder & managing director Rashmi Chopra.