Jatan and Tushar: A journey of friendship, ambition, and Perfora's triumph

Jatan and Tushar: A journey of friendship, ambition, and Perfora's triumph

Their story is a testament to the beautiful alliance of friendship and entrepreneurship.


Mumbai: As the world celebrates Friendship Day, it is also a momentous occasion for Jatan and Tushar, the co-founders of Perfora, as they mark the completion of two years since they introduced their innovative brand to the world. The journey of Perfora is not just a tale of entrepreneurial success but a testament to the power of friendship and shared dreams. Let us delve into the extraordinary bond between Jatan and Tushar and how it fueled the birth of a brand that has redefined oral care.

The genesis of friendship and Perfora: Jatan and Tushar's friendship is rooted in a shared ambition to build something that would genuinely add value to consumers' lives. Their friendship served as the bedrock of their entrepreneurial journey, and together, they embarked on a mission to create a brand that would revolutionise oral care. Despite being different individuals with distinct personalities, they found common ground in their aspirations, proving that friendship can thrive on the strength of shared dreams.

A journey of discovery and learning: The path to building Perfora was not without its challenges. Countless ideas were discussed and discarded before the duo finally discovered their true calling in oral care. Fueled by the belief that existing brands lacked purpose and effectiveness, Jatan and Tushar set out to create something extraordinary. As first-time founders, they embarked on a steep learning curve, embracing the unknown and learning on the go. The journey was filled with sleepless nights, experimenting with marketing strategies, creating content, and exploring new avenues. Through it all, they realised that being a founder did not necessitate knowing everything; instead, the joy of discovering and learning new things became a thrilling aspect of their journey.

Celebrating success and embracing challenges: As Perfora completes its second year, Jatan and Tushar are filled with gratitude for the overwhelming support they have received from their customers and team. They celebrate not just the brand's achievements but also the unwavering friendship that fueled their determination during tough times. Challenges were met with unwavering resolve, and successes were cherished together as true friends. Through it all, Jatan and Tushar have learned the value of perseverance, the joy of shared victories, and the strength of friendship that transcends any obstacle.

Jatan and Tushar's story is a testament to the beautiful alliance of friendship and entrepreneurship. As we celebrate Friendship Day, let us be inspired by their journey and cherish the friendships that enrich our lives. Just like the enduring bond between Jatan and Tushar, true friendships have the power to conquer challenges, ignite dreams, and make the world a better place. Happy Friendship Day to all, and here's to the timeless magic of friendship!