Shemaroo to showcase 600 titles at Mipcom

Shemaroo to showcase 600 titles at Mipcom

MUMBAI: Home video major Shemaroo will have a strong presence at the television trade event Mipcom.

The firm is exhibiting at the event. Shemaroo Entertainment VP Hiren Gada says that it will showcase around 600 titles at the event. This will include the films Bal Ganesh and Ghatotkacha. "At Cannes there were inquiries about rights for these films for TV, home video. At Mipcom we hope to close out more deals."

Mipcom takes place from 8-12 October 2007 in Cannes, France.

The firm is also looking to reach out to the mainstream audience abroad, besides just the NRIs. Gada says that in countries like the US interest in Indian films is growing beyond just the ethnic population.

"Mipcom will allow us to deal with distributors in those countries. We are also showcasing newer titles like Apne and Dhamaal. We have made a lot of effort to package our content for the international market. Through packaging we adapt the look and feel to suit a certain market. It helps if a film has travelled across the festival circuit whether it is at Cannes or Toronto as that boosts its profile."

Shemaroo is also looking to acquire content. Gada says that the firm is looking to acquire European films and independent critically acclaimed English films for its home video division.