Redefining event relocation for fashion & corporates in remote realms with AVZA

Mumbai: In an era defined by technological advancements and a growing appetite for unique experiences, the realm of event hosting has witnessed a transformative shift. Nowhere is this more evident than in the fashion industry and among corporate entities seeking to make a statement through grand shows and gatherings held in remote locales.

As the demand for seamless relocation services escalates, management consultants like Vani Gehani, stand at the forefront, orchestrating the convergence of technology and logistics to streamline operations and exceed client expectations.

Indiantelevision caught up with AVZA management consultant Vani Gehani and talked about the pivotal role of technology in the digitisation era, exploring the latest innovations shaping relocation strategies, and envisioning the future landscape of event hosting in remote areas.

Edited excerpt

On technology playing a role in the digitisation era, particularly in the automation of relocation services

Technology plays a pivotal role in the digitization era, particularly in the automation of relocation services. In logistics, technology has revolutionized cargo tracking through the implementation of GPS trackers, reducing dependency on manual updates from truckers. The use of barcoding ensures precise loading of cargo, minimizing human errors that could lead to costly discrepancies. These technological advancements not only streamline relocation processes but also enhance efficiency and accuracy, crucial for ensuring smooth operations, especially in complex scenarios such as remote locations.

On the specific technological advancements that have been instrumental in streamlining relocation processes for fashion houses and big corporates organizing events in remote locations

Specific technological advancements have been instrumental in streamlining relocation processes for fashion houses and big corporates organizing events in remote locations. The deployment of WiFi cameras enables real-time monitoring of precious cargo during remote handling, mitigating the risk of careless handling. Additionally, sensors equipped with alarm systems provide immediate alerts in case of mishandling, ensuring the safety and security of high-value goods throughout the relocation process.

On the key factors that people consider when evaluating relocation service providers for hosting grand shows in remote places

When evaluating relocation service providers for hosting grand shows in remote places, key factors such as service levels often outweigh cost considerations. Word-of-mouth referrals play a significant role, as experience and expertise in handling large-scale events in challenging environments are highly valued. Relocation teams must demonstrate the ability to adapt and think on their feet to navigate unforeseen challenges effectively, earning the trust of clients seeking reliable and proactive solutions.

On the recent innovations or developments in relocation services that have significantly impacted the efficiency and effectiveness of hosting large-scale events in remote areas

Recent innovations in relocation services, such as moving exhibitions or road shows, have transformed the landscape of large-scale event hosting in remote areas. Initiatives like those undertaken by Nykaa and Zomato exemplify the growing demand for comprehensive logistics support to facilitate such ventures. These innovative approaches require sophisticated relocation strategies to ensure seamless execution and optimal outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

On foreseeing the future of relocation services evolving in the context of the fashion industry's increasing preference for hosting events in unconventional or remote locations

The future of relocation services in the fashion industry is poised for significant evolution, driven by the increasing preference for hosting events in unconventional or remote locations. Emerging trends indicate a shift towards niche experiences and unique venue choices, offering corporates and fashion houses greater visibility and publicity opportunities. Temporary infrastructure solutions, such as temperature-controlled storage and mobile facilities, will play a crucial role in supporting these endeavours, enabling memorable and impactful events in diverse settings.

On the emerging patterns or trends are evident in the relocation strategies adopted by fashion houses and big corporates for organizing grand shows in remote locales

Emerging patterns in relocation strategies adopted by fashion houses and corporates reflect a growing emphasis on experiential events and unique venue choices. Rather than traditional venues, there is a notable trend towards exploring unconventional locations that offer distinct cultural, historical, or natural backdrops. This trend aligns with broader industry preferences for immersive experiences that captivate audiences and differentiate brands in a competitive market landscape.

On these relocation strategies aligning with broader industry trends and consumer preferences in terms of experiential events and unique venue choices

These relocation strategies align closely with broader industry trends and consumer preferences for experiential events and unique venue choices. In an era where consumers crave authenticity and memorable experiences, fashion houses and corporates are increasingly seeking out distinctive locations that offer a sense of exclusivity and novelty. By tapping into these trends, brands can create immersive brand experiences that resonate with their target audience and drive engagement and loyalty.

On the challenges and opportunities associated with organizing events in remote locations, particularly in terms of logistics, infrastructure, and local community engagement

Organising events in remote locations presents both challenges and opportunities, particularly in terms of logistics, infrastructure, and local community engagement. Cultural diversity and unique work cultures require adaptability and sensitivity from relocation teams, while issues such as labour unions, accessibility, and heritage preservation must be navigated carefully. Despite these challenges, remote locations offer opportunities for innovation and creativity, allowing brands to differentiate themselves and create memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression on attendees.

On your vision and mission for the next three years in terms of providing relocation services for fashion events and corporate gatherings in remote areas

Over the next three years, our vision and mission for providing relocation services for fashion events and corporate gatherings in remote areas revolve around innovation, creativity, and customer-centricity. We aim to continue pushing boundaries and exploring new frontiers in event hosting, offering our clients unique and unforgettable experiences that capture attention and drive brand success. By staying ahead of industry trends and leveraging cutting-edge technologies and logistical expertise, we are committed to delivering exceptional value and exceeding the expectations of our clients in every relocation endeavour.