Weekend Unwind with: Sumit Garg, MD & co-founder of Luxury Ride

Mumbai: Indiantelevision.com rolls over to the next in its weekend series of informal snippets that peek into the minds of corporate executives. "Weekend Unwind" is an attempt to get to know the person behind the title a little better by having them share their life nuggets and mantras for dealing with life's curveballs.

This week, we have on the hot seat Sumit Garg, the MD & co-founder of Luxury Ride—"India's biggest pre-owned luxury car company." Born into a business family, the path to entrepreneurship was always a given, says Garg. Accordingly, in keeping with the ‘family tradition’, he founded KoiBhiCar.com, an online marketplace for pre-owned luxury cars, in 2012, while straight out of engineering college. Garg shifted his business to an offline model in 2015 after a quick realisation about the industry and founded Luxury Ride with two friends. Here, his prime focus is the exponential expansion of the company across India. Today, the company has a presence in seven cities across north India – Delhi, Gurugram, Karnal, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Dehradun, and Ludhiana.

So here goes without further ado…

Your mantra for Life

Follow your passion in such a way that you don’t need an alarm clock to wake you up.

A Book you are currently reading / plan to read

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.

Your Fitness mantra, especially during the pandemic

We had set up a home gym during the pandemic, and I was doing rigorous workouts. I kept my eating and sleeping habits in check too. By the end of the pandemic, I had lost around 15 kg. Indulging in some sort of exercise keeps me in a healthy mental space as well.

Your comfort food

I am a die-hard foodie, so it's very difficult for me to answer this question as I am spoilt for choice. But if I had to choose one, then I would have to say Italian cuisine is my comfort food.

When the chips are down a quote/ philosophy that keeps you going

My teacher once told me that if you want to be successful in life, you have to take risks no matter what. Setbacks are a part of the deal, but if the risk pays off, your life will change. As Swami Vivekananda said, "Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise."

Your guilty pleasure

Sweet dishes

When was the last time you tried something new?

I love to discover new things on a regular basis. And, it doesn't have to be extraordinary. It can be in the form of meeting new groups of people and learning new things; implementing new things in my work life; or trying out different cuisines.

A Life lesson you learnt the hard way

That you should do away with incompetent people as soon as possible. Having the right circle of people around you matters the most, as it helps you grow in life.

What gets you excited about life?

Exploring  new places and living a luxurious lifestyle.

What’s on top of your bucket list?

Right now the only thing that is on top of my bucket list is to make Luxury Ride a unicorn brand.

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Always follow your passion and don’t listen to naysayers. Your comfort zone is your enemy, you will have sleepless nights, there will be days where you’ll have to work when you are unwell, you’ll be skipping meals and working throughout the day. But that is part of the process if you want to be successful in life.

An activity that keeps you motivated / charged during tough times

Whenever I am faced with tough times I either go out for long drives.. Physical activities like playing Squash and Table tennis or having a great workout session keeps me motivated as well.

What lifts your spirits when life gets you down?

That has to be Music, I am an audiophile and listening to music can lift my spirits up no matter how tough the situation is.

Your go-to stress buster

My kids and my family are my go-to stress busters. Spending time with them relieves me from all the stress that I am facing.

One thing you would most like to change about the world

That has to be poverty, I believe that there should not be such a big gap between the rich and the poor.