• "I dream of a wooden cottage on a hill" :Ajay Gupta

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jun 16

    His life has come full circle. He started his career with his family business of film distribution, left it to try his hand at various other trades right from garments to even handling shipments to production. But he is back at it again, this time with Indonesian entertainment baron Raam Punjabi's company PT Parkit Films' Indian distribution arm, Multivision Multimedia India. Just a couple of years ago, he was spearheading Indian media czar Subhash Chandra's forays into the cinema business.

    With reason. Gupta believes in giving it all that he has got. He narrates an incident when he was in the shipment business when he chose to stay in the factory till 2 am just because he felt maybe his mere presence would help others work faster and prevent casualness from creeping in.

    However, it's a tad difficult to believe that a man who looks all of 40 has a daughter who will turn 24 in October!

    A Delhiite by birth he came to Mumbai in 1998 and joined a production house. This was followed by the Essel Group's E-City, where he spread the mutliplex chain in four cities across India before helping Punjabi set up his Indian arm.

    We get him to talk about his journey so far, and get to know a lot many hidden secrets about him.

    Sporty to the core in school and college?
    As long as one is in school or college everything is great but once you are out, the strive begins. I used to be very active in sports. I've played hockey at the national level and table tennis at the state level. Later my passion for sports led me to play games like golf and pool. But now who has the time for all that? It's very rare that I play a frame of pool when I'm out on a trip with friends.

    What's cooking today???
    I won't call myself a foodie but yes, I do like eating and make it a point to try out different cuisine whenever I am out. I love the exquisite food in Bukhara and the barbecued dishes in Delhi and that's something you can't get anywhere. Very recently, I tried pizzas in La Pizza at the Cannes film festival. They were baked on earthen ovens and had a totally different taste just like the roties made on earthen stoves in villages. Also there is an Algerian restaurant where they serve you starters like kababs and a wholesome full course. I am extremely fond of Chinese cuisine and therefore land up normally at Mainland China, the Chinese restaurant in the Mumbai suburbs.

    Normally, I prefer having anything vegetarian. I even like having continental dishes and as a matter of fact I even love cooking, but then everything has to be done by me. On Sundays the lunch menu is fixed comprising Curry chawal (Punjabi Curry).

    No Yoga-shoga for me
    I try to be regular with my gym routine or go for a walk at times. I wake up at 7.30 am and my day winds up at around 8 pm. I've also tried, what you call, the new life or the alternate healing - Art of Living and Reiki. I don't really believe in Yoga as such. I agree everything has a benefit but it's not often possible to practice everything because it all depends on your conviction.

    I don't believe in giving prasad or donations...
    I believe there is someone up there who has control over all of us. I am religious but I don't believe in rituals as such. I believe in a private conversation with God even if it's for 10 minutes a day. On Sundays the first three hours are totally devoted to God. I don't believe in giving prasad and donations; instead I would go and help some NGO like CRY or something else on those lines. And I believe that God is with me all the time... I don't search for him. I am not an extreme person, so when one is walking on a moderate line it is very easy to choose which way to go. Therefore I haven't felt his absence till date.

    Books lag behind, TV reigns supreme
    Very frankly, with the advent of so many channels, the reading habit has taken a back seat. In the past three years I have started reading many books but haven't managed to finish even one. By the time you get back home, seeing something visually is more appealing than a fat book of 400 pages. I read fiction and religious books at times. I usually like reading those books that do not require long attention spans. There are certain stories, which are just 40 pages long but have a great moral. As far as religious books are concerned, I would say, I don't really read mythological books but mostly books on their analysis is what I prefer.

    Historical destinations beckon
    Though traveling happens quite often but holidays are a far fetched dream now. There are a lot many places left to be visited. My wife is very interested in history so I want to take her to her dream destinations like Egypt, Greece, Cambodia and places, which offer historical background. Apart from that there are so many places in India too where you get a variety of things. Our dream destination in the monsoons used to be this place called Chail, which is 45 kilometers from Shimla. There is a Chail Palace that used to be the summer palace of the Maharaja of Patiala and has now been converted into a hotel. It has four - five cottages and the whole place had hardly 25 shops, a bus stop and a post office. We used to plan a week long trip so that we could utilise the fire place in the evenings and enjoy the cold breeze.

    I believe?
    Since adulthood I've believed in just one thing - whatever you do, every single thing comes back to you in this one life only.

    Ghulam Ali fan
    I love listening to yesteryears' music. I have my own collection of Boney M and the likes. I don't mind listening to Indian classical, instrumental and other music of the same era. There was a time when I was hooked on to Ghulam Ali.

    As far as movies are concerned I would say, every genre has its own charm. Mackenna's Gold is one such movie. It was made so differently that even today it is fresh in my mind. If I am switching channels in the night and happen to see Sholay, I till date stop and watch it. Lord of The Rings and My Fair Lady are some of my favorites.

    A nose only for Davidoff Cool Water
    Shopping has become so very easy now with the advent of malls. My personal favourite is InOrbit. A lot of mix and match brands do for me. In perfumes, I prefer only Davidoff Cool Water. I am not very particular about the brand of clothes I wear as long as they are comfortable. As I have been associated with the fashion garment industry, I go in for the cut and fit and not much for the brand.

    My priorities have changed
    In the last three years, there has been a total shift in my lifestyle. Earlier I was a party animal and had less time for my family but now it has become vice versa. It was more of a conscious choice because with time priorities change and so did mine. Since my profession demands it, I try to catch up more on films now and films have always interested me. Moreover it also becomes a family outing when we go for movies, film festivals and screenings together.

    Beautiful Dreams
    Ten years from now I wish to be in the Bahamas, holidaying (chuckles). Actually a lot depends on my luck and circumstances. But I do want to own a wooden cottage on a hill where I can hear the sound of running water.

    indiantelevision.com Team
  • "Astronomy and cricket books are my passion" - LV Krishnan

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jun 16

    "Since my early days I have been reading books related to astronomy and cricket. It's not that I was deeply inclined to study about planets and space, but it's been in me because of the course I chose in my post graduation level. We were required to do projects on the subject and therefore my liking for it sort of grew," says Tam India CEO LV Krishnan.

    As far as cricket is concerned, it's been my passion to know about it in depth. Though I can't play cricket at all, I love reading about it. After all, it is not essential to virtually practice what you read. I never lay my hands on self-help and motivational books as I find them very boring.

    I spend quite a lot of money on books at times and I usually shop at the Crossword book store in Bandra.

    My favourite books...

    Sunil Gavaskar's Sunny Days has been my best read ever. The book is an autobiography of the great cricket legend Sunil Gavaskar. This was the first book he wrote and after this another three followed.

    I'm not a fiction fan at all and so I have no favourite authors. As far as non-fiction is concerned, I only read in about astronomy and cricket.

    I'm reading Steve Waugh's autobiography Out Of My Comfort Zone, which I find extremely entertaining. It gives a detailed description of another great man in the field of cricket.

    Books that do not hold me?

    No other books hold me the way books related to these topics do. I haven't really been able to peruse any 400 page books for the past many years now. There is hardly any time left for all this.

    Browsing and E-Reading...

    I do read a lot of snippets on the internet but not any kind of books. Apart from books and related material there is a lot to be learnt from the net. Advancements in the field of technology have taken great leaps and the net is catching more and more viewership than any other form of media.

    indiantelevision.com Team
  • I'm Neither An Atheist Nor A Devotee : Bharat Kapadia

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jun 03

    Celebrated for his rich marketing and editorial experience, Bharat Kapadia is regarded of the leading names of the publication industry. Former editor and associate publisher of the Chitralekha Group, Bharat Kapadia firmly advocates 'the power of positive thinking'.

    We take Mr. Kapadia on a spiritual quest and what comes across an iron willed person who not only thrives on conflict and competition, but seeks it out! In a t?te-?-t?te with the exec life, this enterprising man from Divya Bhaskar discusses his ideologies on God, religion and devotion.

    By Birth?
    I'm a Hindu Vaishnav by birth, partisan of Lord Krishna. Other than adorning the traditional necklace 'janoi' during my childhood days, I can't testify as a firm believer of God. By the way, I'm no more wearing the 'janoi'.

    Family Values?
    My parents were extremely devotional; they conducted pujas and other rituals. My wife, Ronak, belongs to the same school of thought. But I don't subscribe to it. My mother used to narrate the holy books to me when I was a child. Talking about my kids (a daughter and two sons), I try to infuse the philosophies of Subhash Chandra Bose in them. Except naming my kids as per their rashi, I have taught them to act rational and be pragmatic in all walks to life.

    My belief?
    I'm neither an atheist nor a devotee. Yes, a 'super natural force' does exist but I don't get carried away with that thought. If God does exist, I'm thankful that he has been kind to me so far. I feel the biggest tribute that we can give to our parents is by following their inculcated values and not just by blindly believing in the existence of God. Also, I have adhered to being a pucca vegetarian and teetotaler.

    I have never succumbed to any rituals. Even when I was supposed to conduct the shraads on the demise of my parents, I entrusted the deed to the temple through donation. On rare occasions like Diwali, I do participate in the

    chopda pujan, where the books of account are worshipped

    Divine Visits?
    I don't intentionally plan a visit to a temple. But when accompanied by my family on devotional trips and on social occasions, I do give in without reluctance.

    Spiritual Guidance?
    I haven't investigated any books which explore the being of The All Mighty. With my editorial experience of years, it's ironical but amusing to say, I can write but cannot read! As far as guidance goes, I listen to my heart. I have always believed that God, if there, is within us.

    Positive thinking?
    The power of positive thinking can change and enrich our life. Being sanguine and zealous in our deeds will, for sure, guarantee success and happiness.

    Good karma or bad karma?I don't know. What I adhere to: do whatever pleases you.
    The power is within us; how you utilize it is subjective.

    Relaxing mantra?
    No, I don't chant any mantras as such. Music is what works as a stress-buster for me. At present I'm being coached for vocal classical music. So you can say the music mantra works in my case. As far as being fit is concerned, I do workout regularly under a trainer.

    indiantelevision.com Team
  • I Like Spending Time With Nature - Aparnaa Pande

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jun 02

    Aparnaa Pande programming head, television division, Zoom tells us that she has learnt a lot from the people around her and she will forever be grateful to her seniors for teaching her so much.


    Growing with the industry
    I was born and brought up in California but I did my Masters in Business Administration from Pune, Maharashtra. Later, I kickstarted my career with Sony Television and grew with the company. Sony is my home; I've learnt so much from the people out there and I will forever be greatful to my seniors for teaching me so much. New and different things always titillated me, so when I was approached for Zoom in its initial stage I accepted it as it was something different from the mainline media. Basically, Zoom programs portray what is happening in society today and not the daily soap operas.

    Fitness funda... or the lack of it
    I hardly do anything to keep myself fit. Whenever possible I try to go to the Zaf gym which is at the Versova Link Road to do cardio exercises. I don't do any kind of dieting but yes I make it a point to drink a lot of water every day. Even though I love eating, I avoid having too much. I prefer a Continental cuisine to anything else.

    Books have been my all time pals
    I grew up with Enid Blyton. But my all time favorite book has been Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exup?ry who was a French author and journalist. This book still has a special place in my book shelf and has stayed with me since years. There are times even today when I pick it up and go through it. Little Prince is a children's book which teaches one that something that looks easy may be tough and vice versa. There is a lot to be learnt in life and the book makes one figure out this truth.

    Reading rejuvenates me. With time my collection of books has also grown. I read anything from The Da Vinci Code to autobiographies.

    For me holidaying ends in California
    With work I hardly get time to unwind and holidays are a rare dream nowadays. Though I have been almost all round the world, I find The United States the best place to be in. And that is not only because I have my family there in California but the place offers a variety of friendly people and scenic beauty all twelve months of the year. Europe is one place I love for its rich historic culture.

    Partying happens quite often
    I am quite a party person and love freaking out at these Mumbai night clubs with friends. This happens at least twice a week. I love letting my hair down and dancing away to glory.

    I prefer a blend of both English and Hindi music
    I love music but there is nothing very specific I love listening or I hate listening to but, yes, a blend of both Hindi and English music is what delights me. My choice of songs totally depends on my mood.

    My favorite movies keep changing with time
    I like both Bollywood as well as Hollywood flicks. In the recent past I loved Black and Brokeback Mountain to a great extent.

    I don't believe in going to the temple
    I believe in the saying that God lies within a person and therefore I don't really go to the temple as such to pray. I prefer spending time with nature and myself which revitalizes me. I don't do any kind of yoga.

    I am a true shopper at heart
    Spending time shopping is real fun at times. I prefer to mix and match things from different malls rather than just picking up things from one place at one go. I normally pick up branded stuff.

    A quiet evening on the beach side
    Though I don't really get to spend time with family, but my idea of a perfect evening would be a calm outing at the beach side with my loved ones.

    indiantelevision.com Team
  • I've learned almost everything in life from Dad - Ravi Chopra

    Submitted by ITV Production on May 19

    Living upto the Chopra surname is no mean task. After taking on the mantle from his illustrious & legendary father B R Chopra, Ravi Chopra has defintely emerged onto his own and carved out a niche for himself as a successful filmmaker and a television producer.

    When we get Ravi Chopra talking about his father, there's obviously affection and awe in his voice- Very nonchalantly, he says, "though I have come onto my own, dad has always been and will always be a great influence in my life. And this is not just professionally but even in shaping up my values and determining the kind of person. Apart from being a very doting and loving father, he has been a guiding force all my life. As creative professionals we not just share ideas but sometimes even run down ideas."

    He further continues, "Of course, since I was born into the Chopra family, I was destined to join the film industry. But what Dad taught me is that filmmaking and television is not all about entertainment - but entertainment that is socially relevant. So, if its a film like Zameer, then it dealt with a man's conscience, Mazdoor, was based on the eternal conflict between labour-vs-capital and in the recent times Baagban which was about old age and family values."

    Chopra who is currently putting his final touches for his next television property called Viraasat, recalls his early life and how dad really helped him shape up all the way.

    I have beautiful memories of living in a joint family
    I have some very beautiful memories of staying in a joint family. As a three old, I remember, we lived in a close-knit and a traditional household. I can still vividly recall our old house. It was a very small & beautiful two BHK house in Juhu, called Sangeeta apartments. Even Yash Uncle used to stay with us. After coming here from Pakistan, Dad had shifted here during the 1950s.

    We used to pay a rent of Rs 230 there. A small and cozy nest which we loved so much that even when our new house was built in 1970s, we didn't want to shift there. Those were the struggling days for my father and the only time we used to find time together was during our holidays. He used to take us for family holidays during our holidays.

    Education and family values are very important
    During his struggling days, Dad used to be very busy. I used to try and help him at the shoots. I assisted him on Humraaz while I was still in college and later on Aadmi Aur Insaan. In fact, I was all ready to leave college and do films with him. But, somehow, he always wanted me to study further. The value of good education has always stayed with me. Later, when I fianly joined him as an assistant,it was a great high. I learned almost everything about film making from Dad. Films for the family audience, social issues have also been themes close to out heart.

    Dad doesn't keep too well nowadays
    Dad formed BR films in 1955 to do meaningful cinema. So, no matter what others in the market keep doing, he was committed to social themes and family values.

    Till date, I have tried to carry his vision and passion forward. Nowadays, since Dad doesn't keep too well, he doesn't really come on the sets. But I always seek his advice. Whenever I have an idea, I tell him and vice versa.

    On the making of the epic Mahabharat

    On a creative level we share camaraderie. I worked very closely with Dad on the making of Mahabharata. I think, it became more interesting and popular because it was more contemporary as well as relevant to people's mindset. Mahabharata was addressed to the man of today trapped in the throes of a war-like situation in the society. Now, I desire to make a remake of Mahabharata as a movie and release it internationally.

    Baghban was influenced by my parents
    My mother and father share a very strong and loving relationship. As a husband and wife they share a special bond. The character of Amitabhji and Hemaji was actually etched from my life. Till date my parents enjoy their ritual of having a cup of tea together. I would say Baghban was really a gift to my parents.

    Creative differences with Dad
    I wouldn't call them differences but sometime we do have different ideas and as creative people we take a call on what goes best with the story. For Baghban, Dad wanted a different ending. He wanted the story to end in the court but someone that's not what I had visualised. So, finally I went ahead with my idea.

    indiantelevision.com Team
  • `I still recall the Gondola ride through Venice ' - Abraham Thomas

    Submitted by ITV Production on May 19

    Life is all about balancing out things. Chalking out his life mantra, Abraham Thomas, COO , Red FM says, "I very well know when to switch on and when to switch off. What keeps me going is the ability to manage my stressful work along with quality time with family and that's what keeps me going."

    The Red FM office situated in S Mumbai, looks like a real happening place, with some 20 something kids walking in and out of his cabin. Looks like, Red FM is a rather informal place to be in. As Abraham adds, "All youngsters in the company are like a family and therefore there is no formality as such between us."

    He further adds, "I joined Red FM as I wanted to utilize all my leadership skills into something more creative and challenging. I was working as Product Manager with Indian Express for eight years and later was with Sony Television as a director sales for three years. Seeing a sudden boom in the radio industry, I took this plunge from being a VP- sales in MTV to now being the COO in RED FM."

    A born Mumbaiya, Abraham basically hails from Kerala and loves travelling. He says, "I plan my holidays along with wife Mini, my son Amit (13) and daughter Sanjana (8). I feel this is the only time when my children are actually mine. After a few years they will have their own life and won't like it, if I interfere in their lives. And so I make it a point to spend some quality time with them. So, Friday nights, when I am on my way back, I pull off my switch and don't think about work till Monday morning."

    As we get him talking more about his life, Abraham garnishes us with his lovely recipes for a happy living.


    "I have fond memories of Venice"
    I plan my holidays at least three times a year. Overseas holiday vacations have always been fun. Some of my favourite destinations are Barcelona, Venice, Florida, Spain, and Europe amongst others. I don't really like new and modern cities, but I prefer places like Venice and Barcelona which are historically significant as well as culturally rich.
    I have fond memories of Venice. I very clearly remember a small restaurant where we had lunch once. The restaurant had six tables in it which were all full. The hotel was run by a family of four, where the head of the family sat outside with a glass of beer, the son and daughter- in- law took care of the orders and passed it on to the lady in the open kitchen, supposedly their mother. The food was exceptionally tasty and on peeping into the kitchen unbelievingly, I saw the lady cooking alone. Sometimes, I still wonder how she managed all the cooking on her own. Another exciting experience was the Gondola ride. (A gondola is a traditional Venetian rowing boat propelled by an oarsman (the gondolier) who stands facing the bow and pushes, rather than pulls, a single oar.) It was an awesome experience.

    "Goa never leaves me unsatisfied"
    India is a great tourist destination. There's always so much to explore here. Goa is one place where I can go anytime of the year and I am never tired of it. It always has something new and exciting to offer. It just keeps getting better every time you are there. And the local food out there is just unbeatable. Last year, I had gone to Sikkim with my family which is a splendid beauty. Also, I will always cherish my trip to the majestic Himalayas. I still vividly recall it when we reached a particular height, we could see snow and I felt as if we've reached the top. But as the clouds cleared, I could see no end of the Himalayas and that's when I realised its majesty.

    "I can't cook basic food"
    I can eat anything and everything, be it grilled, baked, steamed or fried. Though, sea food remains my all time favourite, I even loved trying out oysters in Japan and snails in Malaysia. I am really adventurous when it comes to tying out new cuisine. I try my hand at cooking but that is of course very occasionally. Sometimes, I do try out some exotic dishes over weekends or on special occasions.

    "My I Pod is my all time companion"
    I have a total of 4,370 songs in my I pod which has been my friend for the past four years now. I love listening to any kind of music be it classical rock, latest and even hip hop. Now a days, I've been trying to keep pace with my children and listen to the latest music.

    "I loved Maximum City by Suketu Mehta"
    I love reading. Tough, its difficult to find time but I do find some time to catch up on my favourite authors. One book that I can very well. I loved reading Maximum City by Suketu Mehta. This book gives some chilling undercurrents of Mumbai. I liked Richard Branson's Losing Your Virginity and have also read most of John Grisham and Sydney Sheldon.

    indiantelevision.com Team
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