"My Family Is A Real Stress Buster For Me" ; Manish Porwal

Submitted by ITV Production on Jan 03

I begin my day with
These days, I start pretty early, that is, around 5.30 am. Getting my son ready for school is my responsibility. Once I send him to school, I steal an hour for a short nap. After the nap, I am off for a walk or a quick session of aerobics. I really don't have the time to visit the gym. Then I quickly get dressed and rush for office. Getting to office takes me around 40 minutes, and during that time I make and receive calls.

My diet regime
I believe, `your first meal should be the heaviest and last one the lightest.' So, I usually start with a wholesome breakfast which is lots of fruits or fresh juice. Sometimes it's an omlette or corn flakes and ginger tea. Lunch is all about just gobbling up something unless I have a lunch meeting when I end up eating more. My dinner is extremely light. I've just developed a sweet tooth, and I love to gorge on rasmalai, rasogullas and ice creams whenever possible.
I don't have very strong likes or dislikes as far as food goes, but when I dine out it's mostly Chinese, Continental and Indian in that order. I love to dine out at the Chinese Room, Sampan and Swati Snacks in Mumbai.

Quite often, my better half and I go out on shopping sprees. I am more into shopping than my wife and love to buy a variety of gadgets and clothes but I must admit that I am a pacca marwari and am not very brand conscious. Despite this, I do end up buying more stuff than I really need in life.
I am very fond of watches. They should be functional, sturdy and smart. I have a Swatch, a Titan Edge, a Cartier and a 'Starcom' dial. I am very particular about my shoes and normally get them custom made especially from Jaipur which is my hometown.

I am a travel freak
I love travelling. I prefer train travel as compared to air travel. More than globetrotting, I love to discover and rediscover the mystique of India. Our country is really a miniglobe and there are fabulous places to visit here. I have seen most of the places in the southern and the northern part of the country. I am about to finish exploring the western region and yet to venture out to the far eastern parts of the country.

My best holiday ever has been three years after my marriage; when the entire extended family went driving in a Sumo for an eight -day trip to Nainital, Ranikhet and Almora. It was an awesome journey because it was largely unplanned.
Apart from this, my work often takes me to various places like - US, Australia, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan and other South East Asian countries. So, I often take some extra days off to explore tourist places.

My relaxing mantra

My professional life really keeps me busy all the time. There was a time when I used to think weekends are an interruption to work. But, I am much saner now! My family is a real stress buster for me. After my work, I love to go home and play with my two month old baby boy, and of course my elder son. I make it a point to travel at least twice a year with my family and look forward to the vacations.

Gadgets & Gizmos
I am not really a gizmo freak, but I am gizmo friendly. I don't like changing mobiles very often. I own a Panasonic D50 DVD camcoder, a Palm Treo 650, IPOD Photo and a Sony Cybershot.

Favourite Car
I love cars and I dream of cars. In fact, I love anything on four wheels even if it means driving a truck. I love to go for test drives and try out different types of cars. Currently, I drive the Accent GLS and my dream is to possess a Bimmer some day.

On Books
I don't spend too much on books; though my wife who's working with an insurance company does love to buy books. More than reading, I believe that I have learnt more from life. I like John Grisham and have read almost everything he's written till date. I have loved his Runaway Jury and The Broker.

I have a fetish for movies
I am a movie buff. I personally prefer Bollywood flicks as compared to Hollywood. I think our films are richer in texture and canvas, while Hollywood movies spend more money on technology. Having said that, I think Bollywood films are real paisa vasool.
Amongst the recent films, I quite liked Black, Parineeta, Dus, My Wife's Murder and , Bunty aur Babli. I 've yet to see Iqbal.

Some things I wish to do
I think, if this industry was to sack me, I would have a lot of alternate professions. I would love to be a chauffeur, as I love cars. I love kids and can open a day care center one day. I think given my fetish for Bollywood flicks, I can even be a movie critic someday. I often find that the ratings, specific comments on direction, acting, screenplay and story given by me are almost similar to the ones given by some movie critics. I would, love to act in plays. I know, it requires time and training but one day, I am going to find the time for it.

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