'Bollywood Bazaar' set to complete century on etc

'Bollywood Bazaar' set to complete century on etc

Bolywood Bazaar

Bollywood Bazaar, hosted by industry critic and editor of the film weekly Trade Guide Taran Adarsh, is completing its second successful year on etc. 

This unusual programme, that airs on etc every Thursday at 8:00 pm with repeats on Saturday at 6:00 PM and Monday at 1:00 PM, gives the inside information on the film industry. Which are the new films on the anvil, new releases, Box Office returns, who has replaced whom in their film and still a lot more. No gossip, only the hard-core facts of Tinsel Town's industry called Bollywood, says an etc release. 

The 100th episode of Bollywood Bazaar features the review of the latest release Paagalpan, the box-office outcome of Mujhe Kucch Kehna Hai and its similarities with last year's first hit Kaho naa... Pyaar Hai, an insight into Rajiv Rai's multi-starrer Pyaar Ishq Aur Mohabbat, the music review of Hum Ho Gaye Aap Ke and some scoops that are sure to startle you. Besides, like every week, Taran answers letters from viewers. 

The l00th episode of Bollywood Bazaar telecasts on Thursday June 14, 2001 at 8:00 PM

Taran is the editor of film weekly Trade Guide.