#IndianTellyAwards trends on Twitter

Submitted by ITV Production on May 27
indiantelevision.com Team

MUMBAI: That the 12th annual indiantelevision.com?s Indian Telly Awards is one of the most popular events in the Indian television and broadcasting industry is known to all. And further proving its popularity is the fact that it went on to be among the top three trending hash-tags on Twitter in India on Saturday 25 May. (#IndianTellyAwards).

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Colors telecast the much-awaited Indian Telly Awards on Saturday 25 May at 9.00 pm preceding which the twitterati went berserk tweeting about #IndianTellyAwards expressing their anticipation and excitement.

Television fans could not bear the anticipation until 9.00 pm and hence began rooting for their favourite stars via tweets. And TV stars, directors, producers all added to the frenzy. TV star fan clubs went berserk as they tweeted everytime their favourite stars came on screen. Some waxed eloquent; some crooned even as a few hurled brickbats. All in all it made for a lot social media buzz.

Says Indiantelevision.com and The Indian Telly Awards founder & CEO Anil Wanvari: "We are delighted that brand Indiantelevision.com?s The Indian Telly Awards trended in India on twitter. From our side, we worked on creating a lot of curiosity around the awards through our bouquet of sites -Tellychakkar.com, Indiantelevision.com and Radioandmusic.com. We appointed a special team to create content for our social media connect. We posted pictures, videos, and stories on the Facebook pages of the respective sites and even the official Indian Telly Awards Facebook page leading to a spurt in the likes it has. And of course the on-air promos on Colors helped a great deal."

Colors, on its part, increased the frequency of the on-air promos in the days preceding the Dabur Glucose presents indiantelevision.com The Indian Telly Awards telecast. It launched a special Indian Telly Awards contest on twitter to facilitate the buzz, apart from releasing a sneak peak video on YouTube and pushing the awards on its Facebook page. The Indian Telly Awards video uploaded by Colors? YouTube channel was amongst the most popular videos on YouTube the following day which was Sunday.

Its efforts to generate and sustain curiosity for the awards along with indiantelevision.com proved successful with this feat on twitter.

"We are very happy with the engagement brand Colors is able to drive on social media platforms. Our objective has been to be the most vibrant and engaging brand on social media," says Colors digital head Vivek Shrivastav. "indiantelevision.com?s The Indian Telly Awards is one of the biggest events for the TV industry; it creates a lot of buzz and curiosity amongst both industry members and audiences. Our effort has always been to channelise these conversations positively, leading up to the live telecast of the show on Colors. This happens through various ways: exclusive images, interaction with stars, news releases, off-air marketing push, release of spoilers from the show, contest and polls on social media platforms etc. The aim is to start and fuel conversations; in the process if we get trending it?s only good."

Editor adds: "That?s being fairly modest, Mr Shrivastav!" ;)
