Karnataka fine tuning policy in drive to make it the animation, VFX hub

Submitted by ITV Production on Apr 14
indiantelevision.com Team

BANGALORE: ?This is just the 1.0 version of the Karnataka Government?s AVGC (animation, visual effects, gaming and comics) policy. We can expect 1.2 and 2.0 and 3.0 and more versions to evolve over time based on the inputs from the industry,? said the Government of Karnataka?s Principal Secretary Department of IT, BT, S&T and e- Governance, during his special address at the AVGC Investor Summit organised by ABAI and Department of IT,BT, S & T and e- Governance at Bangalore.

Vidyashankar said that Government of Karnataka would do everything it possibly could for the ?Made in Bangalore? tag for the products and services by AVGC industry. To that extent, he added that the Karnataka Government would try and develop an ecosystem as is seen in countries like Thailand and South Korea.

Vidyashankar also announced the setting up of an innovation cluster in Yelahanka where the total investment would be to the tune of Rs 1.2 to 1.3 billion. The Government wanted to make Bangalore an innovation hub and for this endeavor the required land had been identified at Yelahanka, a suburb near the outskirts of Bangalore. Vidyashankar indicated a timeline for completion of the innovation center as the end of next year.

Vidyashankar also stated that the biggest Aerospace park was going to be established near Bangalore Airport with investments of $14 to 15 billion. The Karnataka government was planning an exhaustive document about where the city of Bangalore stands vis-a-vis the rest of the country in terms of growth and investments.
