American Oncology Institute launches #VoiceofVictory campaign on World Cancer Day

American Oncology Institute launches #VoiceofVictory campaign on World Cancer Day

Unveiling stories of triumph and resilience to ‘Close the Care Gap’

Oncology Institute

Mumbai: On the occasion of World Cancer Day, American Oncology Institute (AOI) South Asia's chain of cancer hospitals launches its campaign, #VoiceofVictory, echoing the theme "Close the Care Gap". In a world rife with challenges, setbacks, and obstacles, the essence of victory often lies hidden behind narratives of courage, determination, and positivity. With #VoiceOfVictory, AOI aims to unveil and celebrate stories that propel individuals towards triumphs, emphasising the transformative power of resilience and a positive mindset.

Cancer patient narratives have established themselves as a way of providing information and education but also as an effective approach to improving coping with the disease. As part of the campaign, AOI is releasing a film in collaboration with a young cancer survivor and influencer. This film showcases a positive story and shares hope with thousands who are fighting cancer, resonating with the theme of World Cancer Day. AOI's commitment to fighting against cancer extends beyond clinical excellence, technological advancements, and passionate care, as it takes a proactive step towards amplifying stories of triumph over adversity.

Cancer survival stories can help patients to better cope with psychological challenges due to cancer. Through #VoiceofVictory, they strive to bridge the care gap by offering hope, encouragement, and solidarity to those battling cancer. By sharing stories of resilience and triumph, AOI aims to uplift and empower individuals on their journey towards healing and recovery.

Amidst the overwhelming challenges of cancer, #VoiceofVictory serves as a guiding light, illuminating the resilience of the human spirit in overcoming adversity. This campaign's alignment with the central theme of 'Close the Care Gap' emphasises its commitment to addressing not only the physical aspects of cancer treatment but also the emotional and psychological well-being of patients and their families.

In a holistic approach to closing the care gap, the AOI, Nagpur launched the varian halcyon E advanced radiotherapy machine, the first of its kind in the Vidarbha region. In tandem with the campaign, AOI organised a series of above-the-line (ATL) and below-the-line (BTL) activities across its 16 units in India.

Events included cancer screening camps, awareness sessions, walkathons, and health check-up camps, drawing participation from diverse stakeholders such as social groups, NGOs, IMA doctors, media personnel, and the general public. Chief Guests like Uttam Singh (DC Hisar) and DGP R R Swain IPS Jammu and Kashmir graced the occasions, emphasising the significance of cancer awareness. Panels, talks by experts like Dr Trivikrama Rao and Dr Mohan Lal, and felicitations for NGOs and cancer survivors were integral parts of the events.

These efforts align with AOI's commitment to holistic cancer care and their campaign, #VoiceOfVictory. This campaign resonates with the central campaign ideas of #AOICancercare and #Wejourneywithyou, reaffirming AOI's commitment to accompanying patients every step of their cancer journey.