• MTV, Citibank launch co-branded credit card

    MTV, in its continuing efforts at targeting the youth in all possible ways, yesterday launched CO-branded credit card

  • Prabhu Dheva's Ajay Devgn starrer titled Action Jackson

    Prabhu Deva is set return helming another actioner, starring Ajay Devgan, the film is titled Action Jackson.

  • Rascals? film promotion brings good laughter this Dushera

    Submitted by ITV Production on Oct 01

    Mumbai: Rascals, a comedy film starring Ajay Devgan and Sanjay Dutt is setting the promotional activities on a high note. Rascals revolve around the story of two young chaps who take potshots at each other in amusing and surprising setups. Trying to pull other?s pants down with hilarious gimmicks.

    Ajay and Sanju baba?s Jodi is once again hitting the screen with non-stop laughter movie! The film has engaged Global Advertisers for the outdoor publicity across Mumbai.

    India?s leading outdoor agency for film publicity, armed with strategic hoardings, has done the unbelievable. Keeping Rascals top of the mind against tough competition from other Box-office releases.

    The 10-day Rascals outdoor campaign has splashed almost stop-n-watch displays across key crowded spots from Juhu to Borivali, Sion & Thane. The well-targeted outdoor campaign for the movie Rascal ? is turning heads, slowing traffic and catching mass attention every single minute.

    Global Advertisers, MD- Sanjeev Gupta," Navratri has begun and people are in holiday mood. We have captured all the prominent spots to arouse the interest & curiosity of the audience and lead them to theatres and multiplexes. And that?s precisely happening, the initial box office figures will certainly show that in first day collection."

    The prevailing favourable marketing activity such as PR, events, social media, online marketing for Rascals has gained enough mileage across the city. The grand release is scheduled for 6th October.


  • Studio 18 gears up for first Bollywood release

    MUMBAI: TV18 group's film division, Studio 18, is gearing up to make its first foray into Bollywood.

  • Ajay Devgan and John Mathew Mathan in 'UnScene' on ETC

    Mumbai December 21, 2005: UnScene on ETC presents about films that is not seen till now.

  • Zee acquires telecast rights of 'Raincoat' pre-release

    MUMBAI: Zee has bagged the telecast rights of an unreleased film Raincoat.

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